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It’s easy to make New Year’s resolutions...the really hard part is keeping them. But would you ever think your location may be setting you up for failure?
The finance website, WalletHub determined where Americans are most likely to stick to their goals for 2024, by comparing over 180 American cities based on 57 different metrics ranging from exercise opportunities to income growth, and even employment outlook.
The top financial resolutions for Americans in 2024 are “to save more money” and “to protect your identity,” so WalletHub released its annual report on 2024’s Best & Worst Cities for Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions to help us all flourish through the year.
Best Cities for Keeping Resolutions Worst Cities for Keeping Resolutions
1. Seattle, WA 173. San Bernardino, CA
2. San Francisco, CA 174. Fayetteville, NC
3. Scottsdale, AZ 175. Memphis, TN
4. Irvine, CA 176. Dover, DE
5. San Diego, CA 177. Huntington, WV
6. Orlando, FL 178. Augusta, GA
7. Fremont, CA 179. Jackson, MS
8. Salt Lake City, UT 180. Gulfport, MS
9. Austin, TX 181. Shreveport, LA
10. San Jose, CA 182. Newark, NJ
To find out where your city ranks, and for the full list, check them out here.