Carmine and Maegan

Carmine and Maegan

Carmine and Maegan in the Morning is the Palm Beaches' newest morning show. Carmine went from intern to promo tech to hosting every other day part,...Full Bio


Samuel Adams Sells a Beer Can "Magic 8 Ball" To Get You Out of Obligations

Bottle tops

Photo: Getty Images

Most beer companies aim to be the life of the party, but it looks like Samuel Adams is trying to get you out of the party so you can stay in and drink by yourself...

Samuel Adams is now selling a toy beer can on their website called the "I CAN't Can" which is basically just their spin on a "Magic 8 Ball."

In their description, Sam Adams explains that when you shake it, it provides you with an excuse to "ditch unwanted obligations and get back to what summer is all about: drinking beer."

There are 12 different "excuses" the can may offer including beer pun excuses, like "working on a six-pack", "making pour choices" and "caught an ale-ment."

There's good news and bad news because they are only available on their website for $5.30, however, the pre-orders sold out almost immediately.

The brewery said there should be more soon and the first batch is set to ship out on July 10th.

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