Carmine and Maegan

Carmine and Maegan

Carmine and Maegan in the Morning is the Palm Beaches' newest morning show. Carmine went from intern to promo tech to hosting every other day part,...Full Bio


Hot People On TikTok Brag About "Pretty Privilege"

Photo: Canva Pro

So #PrettyPrivilege is going viral on TikTok right now and if you're not familiar with "Pretty Privilege" I'm sorry to tell you but you're ugly. In a conventional way of course. I'm sure you're beautiful on the inside and have a great personality.

All joking aside this trend is cracking me up. You have a bunch of good-looking people talking about the perks of being hot. Doors are opened for you, bar tabs are paid for you and concert tickets are offered to you for free.

Being a 10 my entire life I can tell you "Pretty Privilege" is awesome, but like anything it has it's negatives. People think you're full of yourself and are a real dud personality wise. They also assume you're not a good boyfriend or girlfriend because you can't be trusted to not cheat. Other than that I highly recommend it.

Photo: Canva Pro

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