Unless you've been living under a rock, or you just don't like them, I bet you've been affected by the rising cost of eggs. As an avid Aldi shopper, I remember the days when you could pick up a carton of eggs for only .79 cents, but lately, consumers have been shelling out a lot more money at grocery stores nationwide.
There’s one idea that could potentially cheer you up despite the egg supply shortages and inflation in America.
A Texas-based food company, Vital Farms, has unveiled what they described as an "egg-cellent" way to propose to the love of your life.
According to Vital Farms, "We’ll stock one person’s fridge with a lifetime supply of eggs in exchange for a photo of their own creative egg proposal,” a press release stated.
If you want to win, there are a few rules you'll have to follow:
1st, post a creative in-feed photo or video of you proposing to that special someone with an egg. Make sure to include a caption and tag @VitalFarms on the photo or video post on your public Instagram, TikTok, or Facebook account.
You'll also need to submit your contact information, including your social media handle and a link to the public post at vitalfarms.com/love to enter. (You can also send contact information in a self-addressed stamped envelope to Vital Farms if you prefer snail mail.)
The company's release also stated, “Simply post and submit an egg engagement photo on vitalfarms.com/love now through February 24. One entry will be chosen at random to receive a ‘lifetime supply” of eggs.”
The “Put an Egg on It” contest will run on Hulu, YouTube, TikTok, and digital billboards in February.