Get Paid $1000 to Track Car Crashes in All 10 "Fast and Furious" Movies

CinemaCon 2023 - Universal Pictures And Focus Features Presentation

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If you want to get paid to watch movies, specifically car crash scenes in the "Fast and Furious" movie franchise, there's a company that is looking to hire someone to be their "Fast and Furious" Claims Adjuster.

FinanceBuzz recently revealed that they are looking to pay a person $1,000 to track all of the damages in all 10 movies, including the newest, "Fast X".

Your information must include what cars are involved in the collision, the number of accidents, and the extent of the damages.

The company will then use the findings to estimate the impact the crashes have on insurance costs, and apparently, to also determine if the number of wrecks has increased or decreased over the years.

FinanceBuzz is accepting applications until May 19th at and if chosen, you'll also get $100 to cover the cost of movie tickets, streaming fees, and of course, snacks.

However, if you recall, we recently heard that "Fast X" would be split into 2 movies, so technically, there will be 11 films to watch.

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