Typically, people are denied entry to a bar in the United States if they are under the age of 21-years-old, however, a TikToker and her friend said in a now-viral video that they were denied entry to a bar in Los Angeles, California because they were not 30-years-old.
TikToker @chergoodeats said that she and her friend were unable to enter an establishment they'd frequented many times before, the Melody Bar and Grill.
Melody Bar and Grill set a policy in place to only admit patrons 30 years and older on Fridays and Saturdays, even though California law states that people must be at least 21 to enter a bar.
In the video, @chergoodeats showed a poster even stating the new rule, which was confirmed by their advertisements on Facebook.
In a follow-up video, the TikToker admitted that she might appreciate the policy when she gets older, but was initially just shocked when she was turned away.
"Just imagine going to someplace you've been to before and then not being able to get in," she said. "I was just shocked. I was not trying to throw shade at Melody Bar and Grill at all."
Christian Warren, the owner of Melody Bar and Grill, told Newsweek in an email that the policy was initially implemented in June after there had been previous issues with younger adults getting into fights with other customers and security.
Warren wrote, "However, not all of the younger crowd were causing the issues, and it's unfortunate for our younger loyal guests, but there is no way to distinguish the troublemakers from the rest, so we made a decision across the board to implement our 30 and over policy on Friday and Saturday nights only."