Warning: Some Strong Langauge
They say you should never wake up someone who is sleepwalking and after watching this, don't wake up someone who is sleeping behind the wheel. Luckily it doesn't look like anyone was hurt (except for the driver) which is incredible. Doubt he was looking both ways before he demolished that Stop sign and proceed to hunt and kill that light post. So for him to avoid hitting other cars or a person was fortunate, to say the least. Don't think this guy was just super tired either, and I would bet drugs are at play here. Could be anything from heroin to pills to put someone in this kind of state so take your pick. It's hard to find humor in something like this but when the dude filming says " Oh sh%* I shouldn't have woke him up" I laughed out loud. And at the 1:02 mark why is there a man casually walking around with what looks like a hammer? That is sketch AF. So kids, don't do drugs and don't wake up someone who is sleeping behind the wheel. Unless it's 2 am and you're in the drive-thru line at McDonald's trying to get your Big Mac on before you go home. In that case, wake their ass up or park their car and let them sleep it off!