Hot People On TikTok Brag About "Pretty Privilege"

Photo: Canva Pro

So #PrettyPrivilege is going viral on TikTok right now and if you're not familiar with "Pretty Privilege" I'm sorry to tell you but you're ugly. In a conventional way of course. I'm sure you're beautiful on the inside and have a great personality.

All joking aside this trend is cracking me up. You have a bunch of good-looking people talking about the perks of being hot. Doors are opened for you, bar tabs are paid for you and concert tickets are offered to you for free.

Being a 10 my entire life I can tell you "Pretty Privilege" is awesome, but like anything it has it's negatives. People think you're full of yourself and are a real dud personality wise. They also assume you're not a good boyfriend or girlfriend because you can't be trusted to not cheat. Other than that I highly recommend it.

Photo: Canva Pro

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