Kelsi's Top 5 New Music Picks Of The Week

There truly is nothing better than new music and the world can never have enough. If you're a young musician or singer, don't give up. Remember, at one point in their life, they all were just kids with a dream

Shawn Mendes just dropped his new one "In My Blood" and it's as real as it gets. Usually, he has a more "happy pop" sound but I'm really digging this one! Listen to the lyrics...

Loving Arlissa's voice especially on her song "Hearts Ain't Gonna Lie" with Jonas Blue! It's a perfect mix of dance and pop with a super catchy chorus


Alright this one is really going to pull at the heart strings! Tryon just dropped "Come Kiss Me" and it will make you melt. This is one of those songs that you secretly sing really loud when you're in the car alone

Yes!!!! My favorite song of the week goes to Above & Beyond's "Northern Soul" featuring Richard Bedford. I know this one has been out for a little bit but it's just making it's way over to Top 40 radio


Charlie Puth has one of the sweetest voices! His new song "Done For Me" with Kehlani has one catchy beat. Prepare to have this one stuck in your head all day

Hit me up on Twitter @KelsiRadio & let me know which one is your favorite!

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